Simple Tabular Death Certificate exchange format

This is a specific format used by the Doris Tool as a simple tabular alternative to the standard JSON format.

This format can be used as an Excel (.xlsx) file or as a comma separated text file (.csv).

Sample Files

You may download small sample files from here:

Sample Excel File

Sample CSV File

Detailed descriptions of the fields are explained below:

Used Data types

The data types used are:

Type Description
string in CSV files, alphanumeric values need to be in quotation marks ".
integer Numeric field, whole numbers allowed
boolean The values allowed are true and false
date The date field used in the certificate is using the format defined in the W3C. In CSV files, the date value need to be between quotation marks ".
durations Durations define the amount of intervening time in a time interval used in the certificate for the interval field. The format is defined in the ISO_8601. In CSV files, the duration value need to be insert between quotation marks ".

Example of date:

        YYYY (eg 1997)  
    Year and month:  
        YYYY-MM (eg 1997-07)  
    Complete date:  
        YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)  
    Complete date plus hours and minutes:  
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)  
    Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:  
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)  
    Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second  
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
     YYYY = four-digit year
     MM   = two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
     DD   = two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
     hh   = two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm NOT allowed)
     mm   = two digits of minute (00 through 59)
     ss   = two digits of second (00 through 59)
     s    = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second
     TZD  = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm)

Example of duration:

The duration is represented by the format P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S, P[n]W or P<date>T<time>
In these representations, the [n] is replaced by the value for each of the date and time elements that follow the [n]. Leading zeros are not required, but the maximum number of digits for each element should be agreed to by the communicating parties. The capital letters P, Y, M, W, D, T, H, M, and S are designators for each of the date and time elements and are not replaced.
    P is the duration designator (for period) placed at the start of the duration representation.
    Y is the year designator that follows the value for the number of calendar years.
    M is the month designator that follows the value for the number of calendar months.
    W is the week designator that follows the value for the number of weeks.
    D is the day designator that follows the value for the number of calendar days.
    T is the time designator that precedes the time components of the representation.
    H is the hour designator that follows the value for the number of hours.
    M is the minute designator that follows the value for the number of minutes.
    S is the second designator that follows the value for the number of seconds.

To resolve ambiguity, "P1M" is a one-month duration and "PT1M" is a one-minute duration.

Practical examples:
    "PT10S" is a ten seconds duration
    "PT10M" is a ten minutes duration
    "PT10H" is a ten hours duration
    "P5D" is a five days duration
    "P2W" is a two weeks duration
    "P10M" is a ten months duration
    "P10Y" is a ten years duration
    "", "P" or "PT" is used for unknown interval.
Note: CauseOfDeath fields can be provided either as code, URI or text. we have individual columns for them. Having just one of them is necessary. 


Attribute Input/Output Type Description
CertificateKey input string Can be used to identify the certificate.
ICDVersion input string Specify the ICD revision used for the coding of the certificate. DORIS currently supports ICD11
ICDMinorVersion input string Specify the ICD minor version used for the coding of the certificate associated to the ICD version.
Sex input string 1: Male, 2: Female, 9: Unknown
DateBirth input date see date format above
DateDeath input date see date format above
EstimatedAge input durations see durations format above
CauseOfDeathTextA input string Cause field A. Textual conditions.
CauseOfDeathCodeA input string Cause field A. Classification codes comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
CauseOfDeathURIA input string Cause field A. Classification URI comma separated (Used only for ICD-11). Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
IntervalA input durations Time interval from onset to death for Field A.
CauseOfDeathTextB input string Cause field B. Textual conditions.
CauseOfDeathCodeB input string Cause field B. Classification codes comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
CauseOfDeathURIB input string Cause field B. Classification URI comma separated (Used only for ICD-11). Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
IntervalB input durations Time interval from onset to death for Field B.
CauseOfDeathTextC input string Cause field C. Textual conditions.
CauseOfDeathCodeC input string Cause field C. Classification codes comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
CauseOfDeathURIC input string Cause field C. Classification URI comma separated (Used only for ICD-11). Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
IntervalC input durations Time interval from onset to death for Field C.
CauseOfDeathTextD input string Cause field D. Textual conditions.
CauseOfDeathCodeD input string Cause field D. Classification codes comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
CauseOfDeathURID input string Cause field D. Classification URI comma separated (Used only for ICD-11). Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
IntervalD input durations Time interval from onset to death for Field D.
CauseOfDeathTextE input string Cause field E. Textual conditions.
CauseOfDeathCodeE input string Cause field E. Classification codes comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
CauseOfDeathURIE input string Cause field E. Classification URI comma separated (Used only for ICD-11). Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
IntervalE input durations Time interval from onset to death for Field E.
CauseOfDeathTextPart2 input string Cause field Part2. Textual conditions.
CauseOfDeathCodePart2 input string Cause field Part2. Classification codes comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
CauseOfDeathURIPart2 input string Cause field Part2. Classification URI comma separated. Its allowed to use post coordination, i.e. “Stem A & Ext 1 / Stem B”.
SurgeryWasPerformed input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
SurgeryDate input date see date format above
SurgeryReason input string If yes, specify reason for surgery (disease or condition).
AutopsyWasRequested input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
AutopsyFindings input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
MannerOfDeath input integer 0: Disease, 1: Accident, 2: Intentional self harm, 3: Assault, 4: Legal intervention, 5: War, 6: Could not be determined, 7: Pending investigation, 9: Unknown
MannerOfDeathDateOfExternalCauseOrPoisoning input date see date format above
MannerOfDeathDescriptionExternalCause input string Description external cause.
MannerOfDeathPlaceOfOccuranceExternalCause input integer 0: At home, 1: Residential institution, 2: School, other institution, public administration area, 3: Sports and athletics area, 4: Street and highway, 5: Trade and service area, 6: Industrial and construction area, 7: Farm, 8: Other place, 9: Unknown
FetalOrInfantDeathMultiplePregnancy input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
FetalOrInfantDeathStillborn input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
FetalOrInfantDeathDeathWithin24h input integer If death within 24h specify number of hours survived.
FetalOrInfantDeathBirthWeight input integer Birth weight (in grams).
FetalOrInfantDeathPregnancyWeeks input integer Number of completed weeks of pregnancy.
FetalOrInfantDeathAgeMother input integer Age of mother (years).
FetalOrInfantDeathPerinatalDescription input string If death was perinatal, please state condition of mother that affected the fetus and newborn.
MaternalDeathWasPregnant input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
MaternalDeathTimeFromPregnancy input integer 0: "At time of death", 1: "Within 42 days before the death", 2: "Between 43 days up to 1 year before death", 3: "One year or more before death", 9: Unknown
MaternalDeathPregnancyContribute input integer 0: No, 1: Yes, 9: Unknown
UnderlyingCauseOfDeath input string Manually assigned underlying cause of death provided as code (optional)
UnderlyingCauseOfDeathURI input string Manually assigned underlying cause of death provided as a linearization URI (optional)
Reject output boolean false if the computation was able to select the underlying cause of death, true otherwise. The computation can fail for multiple reasons (codes not found in the specific linearization, implausibility of the coding, errors of the system.). The reason can be identified in the file logger or rule logger fields.
Report output string Overview of the steps used by the rule engine to select the Underlaying cause of death.
Errors output string Report field used in case errors occur during computation or rule engine has failed the computation.
Warnings output string Report field used in case the rule engine triggered warnings during the computation.
UnderlyingCauseOfDeathComputed output string Underlying cause of death computed by the system as code. (stem code only)
UnderlyingCauseOfDeathComputedURI output string Underlying cause of death computed by the system as URI (stem code only)
UnderlyingCauseOfDeathComputedComplete output string Underlying cause of death computed by the system (may include postcoordination combination)
UnderlyingCauseOfDeathComputedCompleteURI output string Underlying cause of death computed by the system as linearization URI (may include postcoordination combination)