Embedded Coding Tool (version 1.1)

This document refers to the ECT version 1.1. Please check the documentation for the latest version


ICD-11 Coding Tool is a web based software that helps users search and find ICD-11 categories that they are looking for.

The Embedded Coding Tool (ECT) allows integration of a complete ICD-11 Coding Tool in to any web application.

Under the hood, it is powered by the ICD-API

The Embedded Coding Tool is written in Javascript for the complete compatibility with any web application and provides an easy way to give all the ICD-11 Coding Tool functionalities to your web applications.

Integrating the Embedded Coding Tool is very easy. All you need to do is adding references to the provided javascript and css files and making minor modifications on your web page.

You'll find further details below in this document

Getting started

Include the stylesheet file and the Javascript file within your web page that will contain the embedded Coding Tool. The files are provided by a CDN or but if you prefer, you could download and include it with your software:

Include the stylesheet file icd11ect-1.1.css in the <head> section of your page.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://icdcdn.azureedge.net/embeddedct/icd11ect-1.1.css">

Include the JavaScript file icd11ect-1.1.js before the closing </body> tag.

<script src="https://icdcdn.azureedge.net/embeddedct/icd11ect-1.1.js"></script>

HTML settings

To integrate the Embedded Coding Tool in your HTML web page, steps are:

Step 1

The Embedded Coding Tool uses an input (type text) tag that you have in your page and becomes activated when the end user starts typing on that input field. The following additional attributes are needed at this input field.

Insert or modify an existing <input> element with the following attributes:

Attribute name Description
class Set it to ctw-input
autocomplete Set it to off
data-ctw-ino You could have more than one Coding Tools in your page and this is the “identifier” of the Embedded Coding Tool. Use a number like 1,2,...
<input type="text" class="ctw-input" autocomplete="off" data-ctw-ino="1" > 

Step 2

Insert in your HTML page a <div> element with the following attributes:

Attribute name Description
class Set it to ctw-window
data-ctw-ino Set the same “identifier value of the <input> element (previously set at step 2)
<div class="ctw-window" data-ctw-ino="1"></div>  

This is the div where the actual coding tool appears.

Javascript settings

The Embedded Coding Tool supplies a Handler ECT.Handler that provides customizable Settings, customizable Callbacks and Functions for maximizing the integration in your webapp

ECT.Handler.configure(mySettings, myCallbacks);

This configure function gets 2 argument:

  • mySettings is an object which defines your custom settings
  • myCallbacks is an object which contains your callbacks implementation. This argument is optional, you can call the configure function with only the first argument: ECT.Handler.configure(mySettings);


The mySettings object has these properties:

Property Required Type Default Description
apiServerUrl required string Used to set the API server URL
apiSecured optional boolean false Set to “true” for using the API with OAUTH 2.0 Authentication
icdMinorVersion optional string Used to set the ICD minor version. Leave empty for always using the last minor version released
icdLinearization optional string "mms" Used to set the ICD linearization
language optional string "en" Used to set the API language code
sourceApp optional string Set your application name (used for analytics)
wordsAvailable optional boolean true Set to “true” for showing the related words on the left of the search results
chaptersAvailable optional boolean true Set to “true” for making available the chapters distribution and filters
flexisearchAvailable optional boolean true Set to “true” for making available the flexible search (used when the regular search do not return any results)
height optional string This is for setting the maximum height of the Embedded Coding Tool in your page (accepts CSS px unit or CSS vh unit). Leave empty to do not set a default height

Example using a containerized version of the API (without OAUTH Authentication):

For using the Embedded Coding Tool with a containerized version of the API without Authentication, you have to set these 2 properties:

  • apiServerUrl with your container URL (for example, if the API container is running on your host http://mycontainerhost.com just set this URL)
  • apiSecured to false

For more details about how to run an ICD API container please refer to the ICD-API Container Docs

const mySettings = {
    apiServerUrl: "http://mycontainerhost.com",   
    apiSecured: false,
    icdMinorVersion: "2019-04" ,
    icdLinearization: "mms",
    language: "en",
    sourceApp: "Test App",
    wordsAvailable: true,
    chaptersAvailable: true,
    flexisearchAvailable: true,
    height: "500px"

Example using the live version of the API (with OAUTH Authentication)

For using the Embedded Coding Tool with the live version of the API (Authentication is mandatory) you have to set these 2 properties:

  • apiServerUrl to https://id.who.int
  • apiSecured to true
const mySettings = {
    apiServerUrl: "https://id.who.int",   
    apiSecured: true,
    icdMinorVersion: "2019-04" ,
    icdLinearization: "mms",
    language: "en",
    sourceApp: "Test App",
    wordsAvailable: true,
    chaptersAvailable: true,
    flexisearchAvailable: true,
    height: "500px"

In order to be able to use the live version of the API, you need to provide an OAUTH 2.0 token.
Of course, it is not a good idea putting your Client Id and Client Secret directly in a javaScript source code, so the best practice is using the getNewTokenFunction() callback function for calling your custom server-side script that returns back the token.
The next paragraph Callbacks explains how to implement this function.

For more details about ICD API Authentication please refer to ICD API Authentication Docs


It is not necessary to implement all the mySettings properties, you can only use the ones you need to set. For example:

const mySettings = {
    apiServerUrl: "http://mycontainerhost.com",   
    wordsAvailable: false,
    height: "50vh"

This configuration sets the container url, disables the words list and sets the height of your Embedded Coding Tool.


The myCallbacks object provides 4 callbacks. Please see the ode example below:

const myCallbacks = {
    searchStartedFunction: () => {
        //this callback is called when searching is started.
        console.log("Search started!");
    searchEndedFunction: () => {
        //this callback is called when search ends.
        console.log("Search ended!");
    selectedEntityFunction: (selectedEntity) => {
    //This callback is called when the user makes a selection
    //This is the best way to get what the user has chosen and use it in 
    //your application
        console.log('selected uri: '+ selectedEntity.uri);
        console.log('selected code: '+ selectedEntity.code);
        console.log('selected bestMatchText: '+ selectedEntity.bestMatchText);
    getNewTokenFunction: async () => {
        // if the embedded coding tool is working with the live ICD-API, you need to set apiSecured=true
        // In this case embedded coding tool calls this function when it needs a new token.
        // In this case you backend web application should provide updated tokens 

        const url = 'http://myhost.com/mybackendscript' // we assume this backend script returns a JSON {'token': '...'} 
        try {
            const response = await fetch(url);
            const result = await response.json();
            const token = result.token;
            return token; // the function return is required 
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Error during the request");

The callback function searchStartedFunction() is fired before the search was performed. This could be used to show a wait cursor or something like that.

The callback function searchEndedFunction() is fired after the search was performed. Similarly this could be used to hide the wait cursor.

3. When selecting

The callback function selectedEntityFunction(selectedEntity) is fired when an ICD-11 entity is selected by mouse click or by press enter. In other words, this callback function is called when the user makes a code selection from the Coding Tool interface.

The function selectedEntityFunction(selectedEntity) has as parameter the selectedEntity object that is represented using JSON dataformat. This object contains the information about the selected entity. The structure of this object is the follow:

selectedEntity {
    iNo: 'the “identifier” of the Embedded Coding Tool (set in data-ctw-ino)',
    uri: 'the entity URI',
    code: 'the entity Code',
    title: 'the Title of the stemcode',
    bestMatchText: 'the BestMatchText',
    searchQuery: 'the SearchQuery'

4. For getting the token

The callback function getNewTokenFunction() is a required callback to provide the OAUTH 2.0 token (used only with the live version of the API as explained here). The getNewTokenFunction() has to return the token string.


It is not necessary to implement all the myCallbacks functions, you can only use the ones you need. For example:

const myCallbacks = {
    selectedEntityFunction: (selectedEntity) => { // I only need the selectedEntityFunction callback
        console.log('selected uri: '+ selectedEntity.uri);
        console.log('selected code: '+ selectedEntity.code);
        console.log('selected bestMatchText: '+ selectedEntity.bestMatchText);


We provide several functions to control/automate the behavior of the embedded coding tool.

Normally, the embedded coding tool automatically starts searching when the user starts typing on the configured input element.

However, you could use this function to perform searching programmatically with the Coding Tool, using external javascript

ECT.Handler.search(iNo, q);


  • iNo (string): the “identifier” of the Embedded Coding Tool (set in data-ctw-ino)
  • q (string): the query string


ECT.Handler.search("1", "tuberculosis");

2. Clear

This function can be used to clear the searchbox and delete the search results



  • iNo (string): the “identifier” of the Embedded Coding Tool (set in data-ctw-ino)



Full Example of the Embedded Coding Tool

Below a complete example of the Embedded Coding Tool integration that uses a containerized version of the API (without Authentication). This example uses the callback function selectedEntityFunction to paste the selected code into an extra input element and to automatically clean the search results

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://icdcdn.azureedge.net/embeddedct/icd11ect-1.1.css">
    <title>ECT v1.1</title>


    <!-- input element used for typing the search  -->
    <input type="text" class="ctw-input" autocomplete="off" data-ctw-ino="1"> 

    <!-- div element used for showing the search results -->
    <div class="ctw-window" data-ctw-ino="1"></div>

    <!-- example of an extra input element for testing the Embedded Coding Tool select entity function -->
    Selected code: <input type="text" id="paste-selectedEntity" value=""> 

    <script src="https://icdcdn.azureedge.net/embeddedct/icd11ect-1.1.js"></script>
        // Embedded Coding Tool settings object
        // please note that only the property "apiServerUrl" is required
        // the other properties are optional
        const mySettings = {
            apiServerUrl: "http://mycontainerhost.com"   

        // example of an Embedded Coding Tool using the callback selectedEntityFunction 
        // for copying the code selected in an <input> element and clear the search results
        const myCallbacks = {
            selectedEntityFunction: (selectedEntity) => { 
                // paste the code into the <input>
                document.getElementById('paste-selectedEntity').value = selectedEntity.code;        
                // clear the searchbox and delete the search results

        // configure the ECT Handler with mySettings and myCallbacks
        ECT.Handler.configure(mySettings, myCallbacks);
