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addition of new code b163 basic cognitive functions

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Proposal ID : 370  -  Proposal State : In Open Discussion Layer Proposal for Update

Originator : Korean Collaborating Center  -  Last Update made by : Paula Tonel

Creation Date : 14-Jan-2019 16:34 CET  -  Last Update : 20-Jul-2020 16:16 CET

Previously Discussed in the group(s): FDRG, RVW

Primary Code Affected : b140-b189

Secondary Codes Affected : None

Proposal Type : Addition of new code

Change Reason : Need to identify a new functioning domain.

Detailed Description
b147 Psychomotor functions

Specific mental functions of control over both motor and psychological events at the body level.



b1470 Psychomotor control


b1471 Quality of psychomotor functions


b1472 Organization of psychomotor functions

Mental functions that produce complex goal directed sequences of movement.

b1473 Manual dominance

Development and preference in hand use.

b1474 Lateral dominance

Development and preference of eye, and limb use.


b163 Basic cognitive functions

Specific mental functions involved in acquisition of knowledge about objects, events and experiences; and the organization and application of that knowledge in tasks requiring mental activity.

Inclusion: functions of cognitive development of representation, knowing and reasoning

Exclusion: higher level cognitive functions (b164)


b164 Higher-level cognitive functions

Specific mental functions especially dependent on the frontal lobes of the brain, including complex goal-directed behaviours such as decision-making, abstract thinking, planning and carrying out plans, mental flexibility, and deciding which behaviours are appropriate under what circumstances; often called executive functions.

Inclusions: functions of abstraction and organization of ideas; time management, insight and judgement; concept formation, categorization and cognitive flexibility

Exclusions: memory functions (b144);thought functions (b160); basic cognitive functions (b163); mental functions of language (b167); calculation functions (b172)


Archived Versions
20/07/2020 Paula Tonel
01/04/2020 Paula Tonel
02/02/2019 Korean Collaborating Center

This proposal was made by Korean CC: Wanho Kim,Seokyeon Ji, Seonhee Ho, Haejung Lee, Eunjeong Ko, and Kiyeon Cha. The detaileddescription of the codes were also suggested by Lucilla Furattura. 

New code b163 is proposed in order to differentiate basic cognitive functions from higher-level cognitive functions.It is important and useful to describe cognitive functions. As already approved in the official WHO ICF CY, basic cognitive functions should be considered to include in ICF.

This proposal replaces previous proposals ID 262, where URC and FDRG Initial Review group decided to cluster ID57, ID 58, ID 62, ID 63 and ID 71 together.


Reviewer's comments June 2015


Atthe Helsinki mid-year meeting, an ad hoc group convened to make suggestions as standardizing the approach to complex proposals agreed that proposals should not be rejected pending ontological review and that, as far as possible,decisions should be made based on the existing structure of the ICF.


The comments that have not been addressed since the last URC recommendation that further work be done on the proposal are:


  • Overall, we support the clustered proposal #262. Firstly, we support the addition of 'basic cognitive functions' in the exclusion of b117.  Secondly, we support the addition of 'b163 Basic cognitive functions, albeit that b163 should be added to the exclusions of b164.  Thirdly, we support the proposed changes (additions and deletions) to the inclusions and exclusions of b147 Psychomotor functions.  Fourthly, we support the addition of b1472, b1473 and b1474, albeit that b1472 the organization of psychomotor functions should be added to the inclusion of b147.  Fifthly, we support the addition of clumsiness to the inclusions of b760. We believe that CCS (clumsy child syndrome) should not be mentioned here --> clumsiness (as a function) refers to all kinds of clumsiness, at every age level. 
  • Comments from a workshop of experts: The group thinks that it will be prudent and useful to wait for the incoming expert ontology on cognitive functions to arrive. Currently, the terms are not very well defined, with some overlapping. They merge old and new terminology (e.g. intellectual retardation) that should be reviewed. 
  • Based on our expert´s advice we do not support the proposal for the following reasons: The proposed new item b1472 will lead to an overlap with the existing b1471 (Quality of psychomotor functions) which already covers hand and eye coordination. If „Clumsiness“ is representing a certain disease („clumsy child syndrome“) it shall not be the basis of an ICF‐category anyway, as ICF‐categories should be defined independently of certain diagnoses.


URC (Jul 2014) URC and FDRG confirm additional work is needed.


URC (June 2015):As no further work has been done on this proposal, it is suggested that it remain in the Open Layer.


URC (June 2016): The FDRG moderator deems that this proposal should be voted upon with a recommendation of REJECTION.


URC (June 26,2016): proposal moved to Closed Discussion Layer with a recommendation of REJECTION


CSAC Sec. (Apr 1, 2019): IRG review completed: proposal moved to FDRG layer.

CSAC secretariat (May 3, 2019): FDRG review completed: proposal moved to Open Discussion layer.

CSAC Sec. (Jul 14, 2019): proposal moved to Closed Discussion Layer.

CSAC (Jan 30, 2020): proposal moved back to Open Discussion Layer for further work.

CSAC (20 Jul, 2020): proposal was discussed in May 2020. It was decided that it should be reviewed by MSAC. It is temporarily placed here in the Open Discussion layer.

22-Mar-2019 15:52 CET by Marie Cuenot
Initial review on # 370
Review remarks by Initial Review Group Member on Proposal # 370 From ICF-CY – Addition of third-level codes under b147 and a second-level code b163
Initial Review Period March 2019

1. Has the author correctly entered the “Primary Code Affected” in that field on the Platform? Yes

2. Are there any “Secondary Codes Affected”? Yes

3. Has the author correctly entered the “Secondary Codes Affected” in that field on the Platform? No. The code b164 is also affected.

4. Does the proposal affect the Descriptive Note in a given ICF code text? Yes

5. Does the proposal affect Inclusions in a given ICF code text? Yes

6. Does the proposal affect Exclusions in a given ICF code text? Yes

7. Is the proposal age specific? No

8. Does the proposal have plausibility as a classification entity in the ICF? Yes

9. Does the proposal add any additional value as a new classification entity? Yes

10. Would the proposal, if adopted, affect the described ICF situations in all cultures? Yes

11. Does the proposal address a genuine underlying need or deficiency within the ICF? Yes

12. Has the author incorporated sufficient rationale to justify adopting their proposal, as written, into a harmonized ICF? No.

13. Is the author’s rationale for the proposal evidence-based? No.

14. Is the proposal consistent with the existing structure and content of the ICF? Yes

15. Is the proposal consistent with conceptual and taxonomic principles in the ICF? Yes

16. If adopted, would this proposal be consistent with the goal of ensuring standardization and comparability of data reporting? Yes

Initial Reviewer’s recommendation:
This proposal can go to the FDRG layer for further discussion.
08-Apr-2019 13:36 CET by Paula Tonel
Comments from FDRG meeting 2019
Comments on behalf of Sabine De Gryse, Jolien Veys and Thomas Maribo from the 2019 FDRG Mid-Year meeting in Kuwait on Proposal # 370 Addition of new code b163 basic cognitive functions

The group agree, that most of this is needed in. But, we agree with the comments from the earlier discussions that b1471 and b1472 can be overlapping.

The group recommends b1472 to be removed from the proposal, and to accept the rest of the proposal as it is.
16-Jun-2019 16:50 CET by Christine Haas
The proposal to implement these concepts from ICF-CY is supported. The aspect to classify also basic cognitive functions in contrast to higher-level cognitive functions has been missing in ICF so far.
However, more work should be still dedicated (by Neurology specialists) to the differentiation of „basic“ and „higher-level“ cognitive functions.
„b1473 Manual dominance“ can be considered as a subordinated, but prominent aspect of „b1473 Lateral dominance“.
11-Aug-2019 21:54 CET by Ann-Helene Almborg
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 1 of year 2019. Voted:No
Needs further work according comments by C Hass
06-Sep-2019 13:05 CET by Keisuke TAKAHASHI
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2019. Voted:Can't Decide
b1472 to be removed from the proposal, and to accept the rest of the proposal as it is.
b163 "Basic cognitive functions" is explained as acquiring knowledge and using it, but "attention functions" and "memory functions" are set separately, and only the content is basic cognitive function. There is a sense of incongruity. The contents may be explained by the "memory functions" and the "thought functions".
It is true that psychiatric function affect the motor development and its performance but the description is not straight forward to express that. In addition, the effect to motor function is much larger from the lower level such as sensation. It is not clear the existence of such items in ICF but if it presents, there is necessity to modify them.
08-Sep-2019 09:36 CET by Catherine Sykes
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2019. Voted:Yes
With modification as per German CC colleagues suggestion that Manual laterality is subordinate to Lateral dominance.
11-Sep-2019 11:21 CET by Ulrike Trinks
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2019. Voted:No
We propose to elaborate this concept further, considering the comments received: Definition and discrimination of concepts
13-Sep-2019 09:35 CET by Paula Tonel
Change in comment of CSAC ICF voting member of Japan CC
As per email received from Keisuke Takahashi on 12 September 2019, comment of 6 September 2019 by Keisuke Takahashi should not be considered. New comment on proposal 370 by CSAC-ICF voting member of Japan CC is as follows: “b1472 to be removed from the proposal, and to accept the rest of the proposal as it is”.

CSAC-ICF secretariat
15-Sep-2019 12:13 CET by Ann-Helene Almborg
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2019. Voted:No
Needs further work according recieved comments. The text of b 163 should be 'Specific mental functions..' to be consistent to other ICF categories to the block Specfic mental functions (b140-b189)
16-Sep-2019 23:41 CET by Solvejg Merete Bang
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2019. Voted:No
I agree with A-H A. and Ulrike
21-Apr-2020 03:59 CET by Korean Collaborating Center
Korean Opinion towards Comments on ICF 2020 Korean Centre Proposal
Concerning comment on Repetition of meaning of b1272 (Quality of psychomotor functions) and b1472 (Organization of psychomotor functions), Delete of b1472 is needed:
b1471 can be considered as mental function that makes movements in order. It may be suggested as a quality of movement behavior when is not goal-oriented behavior for using a tool such as eye-hand coordination and walking. Whereas b1472 (Organization of psychomotor functions) is considered to be mental functions of organize complicated goal-oriented movement. b1472 mostly contains object/tool and it modulates movement and mental function of complicated assignment such as pouring water into a cup, riding a bicycle, taking coin out of the wallet. B1471 and B1472 are distinguishable that both should be remained.

Concerning comment: The text of b163 should be ‘specific mental functions’ to be consistent to other ICF categories to the block specific mental functions (b140-b189):
We are agreeing with the comment to insert ‘specific’ in front of ‘mental function’ in the text for consistency.

23-Apr-2020 20:54 CET by Thomas Maribo
Comments from Nordic ICF Network
The Nordic ICF-Network (Thomas M, Janna P, Solvejg B, Ann-Helene A) have had a meeting 2020-03-03 to discuss the proposal. We discussed the difference between basic and high-level cognitive functions and support to add b163 Basic cognitive functions. We suggest to change development in the inclusion to capability and to add memory functions (b144) as exclusion. We also suggest to add Specific in the definition to be consistent to other ICF-codes in the block b140-b189.

b163 Basic cognitive functions
Specific Mental functions involved in acquisition of knowledge about objects, events and experiences; and the organization and application of that knowledge in tasks requiring mental activity.
Inclusion: functions of cognitive capability development of representation, knowing and reasoning
Exclusion: higher level cognitive functions (b164)

Suggestion to the proposal to add subcategories to b147 is to add b760 Control of voluntary movement functions as this ICF-code is close to b147 and maybe some overlap exist.
We suggest to reject b1472 as it is overlap to b1470 and b1471.
We can see inconsistency in the hierarchical structure of b1473 Manual dominance in relation to b1474 Lateral dominance as Manual dominance is a child of Lateral dominance. Our suggestion is to add manual dominance as a subcategory to d1474 Lateral dominance such as b14740 Manual dominance. We also propose to add Mental in the definitions to be consistently to other ICF-codes.

b1474 Lateral dominance
Mental functions for development and preference of eye and limb use, including manual dominance.
b14740 Manual dominance
Mental functions for development and preference in hand use
b14718 Lateral dominance, other specified
b14719 Lateral dominance, unspecified
12-May-2020 17:50 CET by Andrea Martinuzzi
proposal 370
the whole proposal makes a lot of sense but the refinement that went through during the last rounds of discussion improved the specificity and useability of the codes. I support the last proposal made by the nordinc group: to mantain and refine the definition of basic cognitive functions and to merge lateral and manual dominance in b1474. If felt appropiate to disinguish manual from e.g. foot dominance, then the proposed opening of fouth level subcategories could be a solution.
30-May-2021 15:27 CET by Sumiya Islam