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Gathering water and fuelwood

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Proposal ID : 433  -  Proposal State : In Open Discussion Layer Proposal for Update

Originator : Jennifer Claire McAdam  -  Last Update made by : Paula Tonel

Creation Date : 10-Feb-2020 12:23 CET  -  Last Update : 30-Oct-2020 09:29 CET

Previously Discussed in the group(s): FDRG, RVW

Primary Code Affected : d6201

Secondary Codes Affected : d620,d430,d4451,d5101,d560

Proposal Type : Addition of new code

Change Reason : Need to reflect a change in clinical knowledge

Detailed Description

d430 Lifting and carrying objects

Raising up an object or taking something from one place to another, such as when lifting a cup or toy or carrying a box, or a child from one room to another, or when lifting and carrying water and fuelwood from community sources.

Inclusions: lifting, carrying in the hands or arms, or on shoulders, hip, back, or head; putting down

d4300 Lifting

Raising up an object in order to move it from a lower to a higher level, such as when lifting a glass from the table, or a container of water onto the head or a wheelbarrow.

d4301 Carrying in the hands

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the hands, such as when carrying a drinking glass or a suitcase, or when carrying water and fuelwood from community sources.

d4302 Carrying in the arms

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the arms and hands, such as when carrying a pet or a child or other large object, or when carrying water and fuelwood from community sources.

d4303 Carrying on shoulders, hip and back

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the shoulders, hip or back, or some combination of these, such as when carrying a large parcel or school bag, or when carrying water and fuelwood from community sources.

d4304 Carrying on the head

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the head, such when as carrying a container of water or a bundle of fuelwood on the head.



d4451 Pushing

Using fingers, hands and arms to move something from oneself, or to move it from place to place, such as when pushing a toy or an animal away, or when pushing wheelbarrow loaded with containers of water or bundles of fuelwood.



d5101 Washing whole body

Applying water, soap and other substances to the whole body in order to clean oneself, such as taking a bath or shower, or using a basin of water and a facecloth.


d560 Drinking

Taking hold of a drink, bringing it to the mouth, and consuming the drink in culturally acceptable ways, mixing, stirring and pouring liquids for drinking, opening bottles and cans, scooping water stored in a bucket or drum, drinking through a straw or drinking running water such as from a tap or a spring; feeding from the breast.

Exclusions: eating (d550)



d620 Acquisition of goods and services

Selecting, obtaining, procuring and transporting all goods and services required for daily living, such as selecting, procuring, gathering, transporting and storing food, drink, clothing, cleaning materials, fuel, water, household items, utensils, cooking ware, play and recreational materials, domestic appliances and tools; procuring utilities and other household services, and picking up and delivering paper mail or packages.

Inclusions: shopping and gathering daily necessities

Exclusion: acquiring a place to live (d610)


d6201 Gathering daily necessities

Obtaining, without exchange of money, goods and services required for daily living (including instructing and supervising an intermediate to gather daily necessities), such as by harvesting vegetables and fruits, getting water and fuel and picking up and delivering paper mail or packages.


d6202 Gathering water

Obtaining, without exchange of money, water required for survival and daily living (including instructing and supervising an intermediate to gather water), such as by carrying or transporting suitable containers filled with water at taps or springs located outside of the homestead e.g. in a nearby street, in the local village or settlement, or from a river or other body of water.


d6203 Gathering fuelwood

Obtaining, without exchange of money, fuelwood required for daily living (including instructing and supervising an intermediate to gather fuelwood), such as by carrying or transporting chopped wood from surrounding natural environments outside of individual homesteads.




Archived Versions
30/10/2020 Paula Tonel
10/02/2020 Paula Tonel
10/02/2020 Jennifer Claire McAdam

1.   Background

Access to water

Access to water is viewed as a human right and as being central to sustainable development, as enshrined in the SustainableDevelopment Goal (SDG) 6, to ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’ (United Nations,2015). According to the ‘United Nations Report on Global Issues – Water,’ 71% of the world population has access to safe water on their own premises but this is not true for the remaining one third of the 2.1 billion people worldwide, most of whom live in rural areas (United Nations,2018a). Inconsistent access to potable water is thus a global issue affecting many water-scarce countries such as South Africa, and is exacerbated by climate change and population growth (United Nations,2018b).

Access to water resources has historically been inequitable in South Africa. The separate development policy meant the majority of the Black population resided in specifically allocated areas known as homelands, where limited basic infrastructure, such as piped water supplies, was developed (Wrisdale et al., 2017). The resultant inequity in terms of water access perpetuates the exclusion of communities from opportunities to overcome poverty. “Indeed, apartheid created physical, legal and social barriers in its separate development, producing a disabling environment with unequal access to water and sanitation” (Wrisdale et al., 2017) p. 275). 

Despite the implementation of progressive water policies in South Africa since 1994, the 2011 Census showed only 38% of households had access to piped water inside their dwellings, or on site in rural areas (StatsSa, 2012).  By2014, the Human Rights Commission Report on ‘Access to Water and Sanitation inSouth Africa’ reported that this figure had increased to 46.3%. The same report stated that 85% of South African households had stable municipal water supplies in place that met the RDP standard by being closer than 200 m from the dwelling. This is consistent with the 2016 Community Survey Statistical Release, which showed that 15.5% of households were found to still access water from outside their yards and 10.1%of households had no access to piped drinking water (Statistics South Africa, 2016).

Despite the improvements challenges remain, with many South Africans living in rural less-resourced areas still having limited access to water within their homesteads (Report on the Right to Access Sufficient Water and Decent Sanitation in South Africa: 2014, 2014). Furthermore, the impact of not having access to a safe water supply is particularly significant for women and girls, as it most often falls to them to fetch water, at great expense in terms of energy expenditure, time and exposure to attack (“WASH and livelihoods”, n.d.; Water, 2017; UnitedNations, 2018a).

Access to electricity

The rollout of electricity connections throughout South Africa was accelerated subsequent to the first democratic elections in 1994, when the ruling AfricanNational Congress included an agreement with the South African electricity utility, Eskom, for the electrification of 2.5 million households within their 1994 election manifesto. This strategy also formed part of the government’s Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) and was reinforced by the 1998 White Paper on Energy Policy, which emphasised the importance of households having access to adequate electricity to meet their needs for cooking, heating,lighting and communication (Department of Minerals and Energy, 1998). The successful implementation of the strategy is supported in reports produced by Stats SA, which showed that while only 35% of households nationally had access to electricity in 1994, 84% had access to electricity by 2011 (StatsSa, 2012). This number rose to almost 90% of households throughout South Africa by 2015, but was found to be significantly lower, at 60.1%, in Limpopo Province (Statistics South Africa, 2018).

Many rural households continue to rely on fuelwood as their primary energy source for cooking and heating due to financial constraints despite significant rollout of electrification that has taken place in South Africa within the 23 years of democracy (Shackleton, Gambiza & Jones, 2007; Matsika, Erasmus & Twine, 2013). Against the backdrop of widespread poverty, households remain dependent on collecting cheap or free fuelwood (Matsika et al., 2013; Twine, Moshe, Netshiluvhu, & Siphungu, 2003). Communities living in rural and traditional areas have historically been the hardest hit regarding access to electrification. Limpopo Province has the highest consumption of fuelwood as the primary source of fuel for domestic use in the country, with over 40% of households relying on fuelwood fires for cooking and heating water (Thom, 2000; Statistics South Africa, 2018). It follows that the limited household amenities available inside homes in less-resourced rural South African contexts affects the way individuals conduct their ADLs.

Impact of access to resources on ADLs

Numerous studies regarding access to water and fuelwood in rural less-resourced contexts point to the fact that the type and form of ADLs is related to the household amenities that are available (Aggarwal & Romano, 2001; Shackleton, Gambiza & Jones, 2007; Geere, Hunter &Jagals, 2010). Access to adequate water and energy sources are arguably the most important amenities when it comes to performance of ADLs. Drinking water is essential for survival, and a water supply impacts on food security as it allows for cultivation of vegetables and being able to keep domestic animals as a food source for domestic requirements. Water is also essential for the performance of personal and household hygiene tasks. An adequate supply of electricity opens up the potential for a household to make use of labour-saving household appliances, which have an impact on the way ADL tasks are done. For example, the presence of an electrical geyser to heat indoor-piped water for personal hygiene and doing laundry would eliminate the necessity for fuelwood to heat water on a fire.

ADL data collection

Scrutiny of the bADL and iADL assessment instruments utilised in the South African studies demonstrated that collection of water and fuelwood were not included in any domains or items. However, a number of the studies did make mention of the limited access to piped water, electricity and sanitation in the literature, study setting or discussion sections (Nyirenda etal., 2012; Xavier Gómez-Olivé et al., 2014; Payne et al., 2017; Schatz et al.,2018; Harling et al., 2019)

Five epidemiological studies aimed at evaluating the associations between functional disability and various social and health status variables were found to have used the WHODAS-2.0 as one the of the data collection instruments, (Nyirenda etal., 2012, 2015; Phaswana-Mafuya et al., 2013; Xavier Gómez-Olivé et al., 2013,2014; Schatz et al., 2018). The study conducted in the Agincourt area by Schatz et al (2018) makes reference to older persons carrying out strenuous household activities such as collecting water and firewood, and the SES score, which includes access to water, sanitation and electricity, is included as a variable in the study. Gender role disparities in terms of  care responsibilities, including ‘strenuous activities’, are mentioned, and the need for further research regarding the factors linked to disability in the aging population is acknowledged (Schatz etal., 2018).

A number of the clinical outcomes and epidemiological South African studies found that walking and mobility were the bADLs with the highest level of reported impairment (Phaswana-Mafuyaet al., 2013; Cunningham & Rhoda, 2014; Payne et al., 2017). Even though water and fuelwood collection are not mentioned, given that walking mobility is a prerequisite for completion of these tasks, presumably this could translate into difficulties with collecting water and fuelwood from sources outside of the homestead. Although some studies included variable known as Household assets and Socioeconomic circumstances,which included availability of piped water, electricity and sanitation, none of the studies carried out direct comparisons of household amenities and walking or mobility impairment (Nyirenda etal., 2012; Xavier Gómez-Olivé et al., 2014).

It should be noted, however, that the distances measured in the studies that used the WHODAS-2.0, which refers to ‘Walking a long distance such as a kilometre (or equivalent)’, were lower than the 200m South African RDP Water Policy (WorldHealth Organization, 2010). In a further study also carried out in Agincourt, 42% of participants reported experiencing musculoskeletal pain, and the high musculoskeletal pain scores correlated with bad or very bad functional ability according to the WHODAS-2.0. In a different study carried out in KwaZulu-Natal, water collection was reported as the activity for which most assistance was needed, with 93% of those that reported receiving care stating that they needed help with fetching water. The study made recommendations that community support systems need to be put in place to assist older people with strenuous activities like drawing water.

The differences in the way South Africans living in non-Westerncontexts carry out bADL tasks was explored in a recent validity study on the applicability of the Modified Barthel Index to the South African stroke population. Two factors leading to bADLs being done differently in these contexts were identified, namely resource and accessibility barriers. Limited access to running water and electricity within households was linked to socio-economic status and led to increased demands in terms of carrying out bADLs such as when emptying a basin of dirty water out after completing personal hygiene, as well as walking over rough terrain to reach outdoor toilet facilities. Given the limitations in access to water, sanitation and electricity described earlier in this chapter, it is not surprising that the functional mobility domain was ranked highest for inclusion in the SouthAfrican version of the MBI and the addition of an item to reflect obtaining supplies necessary to carry out bADLs was recommended. While the author concluded that the MBI could be appropriate for the South African stroke population, the importance of the MBI not assuming a Western bias in terms of household amenities was emphasised (Breytenbach, 2016).

The absence of individual ICF codes for water and fuelwood collection, as well as associated changes to codes relating to the manner in which ADL tasks are performed in households without indoor piped water and electricity, translates into these significant aspects not being included in clinical and research instruments, including the WHODAS. This therefore contributes significantly to inconsistent and inadequate data related to performance of contextual ADL tasks.

2.  Proposed changes to ICF

Against the above mentioned background of the pervasive limited access to water and electricity in rural South Africa, the relevant ICF codes for domestic activities and environment are critiqued and this proposal regarding changes to the ICF codes is thus summarised as follows:

  • Millions of people globally do not have access to safe water supply nor adequate energy for household use
  • Activities of daily living (ADLs) which require water and energy are done differently in contexts where there are limited household amenities like piped water and an electricity supply
    • water has to be collected daily (often multiple times) from sources outside of the homestead, like a communal tap in a nearby street, a communal tap for a whole village or area, or from a river. This has high time and physical demands, as water has to be carried or pushed in a wheelbarrow over extensive distances
    • once water has been collected from the source outside of the homestead, it is stored in drums or other containers. When it is needed for domestic tasks or personal care, it has to be carried from the storage area to where it will be used. The dirty water after bathing and doing laundry also needs to be disposed of within the yard
    • fuelwood has to be collected, often daily, from forest areas surrounding villages. This also involves extensive time and physical demands, as loads of wood have to be carried back to the homesteads
    • when the fuelwood is to be used for heating water or cooking etc, it has to be carried from the woodpile to the outdoor fireplace (McAdam, Franzsen & Casteleijn, 2019).
  • The ICF, together with most other ADL instruments utilised in the South African studies, are silent on occupations relevant to less-resourced contexts, such as fetching water or fuelwood. Thus, consideration should be given to adding individual codes for water collection and fuelwood collection from communal sources outside of the homestead, in contexts where utilities are not provided to each household by e.g. the municipality.

·        There are a number of existing codes that refer to gathering of daily necessities and systems for the provision ofutilities / household amenities. The code and descriptor for gathering daily necessities, d62010, is viewed as an example of inadequate provision of descriptors for less-resourced settings.While mention is made of water and fuel collection, these tasks are grouped together with harvesting vegetables and fruits. The time, distances and physical effort required for water and fuel collection, as well as the global scale of limited domestic water access in less resourced settings described in the literature above do not appear to be adequately reflected.

·        In addition, an examination of the language used in the ICF item descriptors shows they also do not adequately consider the limited household amenities typical of rural less-resourced settings. An examination of the descriptors for the bathing bADL illustrates how the phraseology of the domains and items appear to be based on the assumption that the homes of the individuals being evaluated have household amenities. The use of the terms bath or shower imply the availability of piped water and Western bathroom fixtures.

The ICF code d510 is the overall code descriptor for washing oneself and makes mention of appropriate materials and methods for doing so, such as bathing, showering or washing individual body parts. The coded5100 also appears to pertain to washing individual body parts, as opposed tocode d5101 which specifies washing of the whole body. While the descriptor ford5100 could be construed as being inclusive of household settings without a bath tub, a shower or piped water, the reference to these amenities in the d510and d5101 descriptors seems to exclude settings where the whole body would be washed using a mobile receptacle such as a plastic basin in the absence of indoor plumbing.

  • This proposal relates to the following criteria in the guideline:
    • Water and fuelwood collection from communal sources outside of the homestead possible qualify as a new classification entity (more than being under the umbrella of ‘gathering daily necessities’
    • The current coding around utilities and gathering daily necessities does not seem to describe ICF situations in all cultures / contexts. There seems to be an underlying assumption that utilities like water and electricity are in place. Seems to be reflective of a bias towards the Global North, as it excludes the context of millions worldwide who spend vast quantities of time and physical effort daily to gather water and fuelwood resources for survival.
      • Do the descriptors for the d620 and d6201 codes adequately cover the less-resourced context that I have described above? Does ‘procuring utilities’ mean purchasing or paying the bill for water and electricity, as opposed to actually walking to collect the water and fuelwood from a source outside of the homestead and then carrying it back? Does ‘getting water’ mean collecting it from a tap within the homestead as opposed to walking many kilometres to fetch it?

§  The ICF does not seem to talk to context where utilities like piped water are not provided to every household.  The coding of the environmental factors does provide for ‘Complete barrier’ but the descriptors seem to describe a well-resourced context. The introduction to the chapter indicates that it refers to resources within the immediate environment. Needs to be more clarity as to what that means in terms of water and fuelwood collection ie does immediate environment refer to within the home? Within the homestead including the yard? Or within the areas surrounding the homestead, such as the village or suburb? Assuming the immediate environment includes the home and the yard, then the finding that millions of people walk large distances each day to collect water and fuelwood needs to be more effectively reflected somewhere.

§  Do the codes e530 and e5300 regarding utilities services adequately describe contexts where household amenities such as water and electricity are not provided inside every home?

3.  Conclusion

It is clear that most frameworks that guide the evaluation and treatment of ADL dysfunction have historically been developed in Western and Global North contexts (Hammell, 2011). Despite the fact that limited access to water, sanitation and energy are global issues and affect billions of people, the daily task of accessing these essential resources does not appear to be included to an adequate extent in the ICF. It is therefore critically important for rehabilitation therapists be able to evaluate performance accurately in ADLs in a range of contexts, including those in less-resourced areas with limited household amenities. The paucity of literature regarding ADLs in less-resourced settings in South Africa and globally is significant as it highlights a gap in frameworks that do not take the increased physical demands of ADL tasks in the rural context into account  (Breytenbach,2016; Naidoo, Van Wyk & Joubert, 2016; Naidoo et al., 2017).

While the ICF includes a code for collecting daily necessities, this single code does not adequately convey the amount of daily time and effort required, nor the global prevalence of household circumstances that necessitate collecting water and fuelwood for survival (World Health Organization,2001). This highlights the concern that these occupations have historically not been included in the traditional ADL theory base nor ADL assessment tools, which arguably reflects an inadvertent yet pervasive bias locally and internationally, towards Western and well-resourced contexts. This inherent bias in the ICF towards well-resourced developed settings needs to be rectified to ensure that rehabilitation therapists globally gain insight into the daily occupations performed by millions world-wide, in order for consistent collection of standardized data, together with associated reporting and comparability.

The recognition of collection of water and fuelwood as separate ICF codes will contribute to the transformation of the paradigms underpinning the rehabilitation professions by challenging the existing unspoken assumptions regarding household amenities. 







Aggarwal, R. & Romano, C. 2001. Access to natural resources and the fertility decision of women : the case of South Africa.6:209–236.

Breytenbach, F. 2016. Content Validity ofthe Modified Barthel Index for stroke patients in South Africa. University of the Witwatersrand.

Cunningham, N. & Rhoda, A. 2014. Outcomes of stroke patients discharged from an in-patient facility in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A mixed methods design. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy.70(3):26–31.

Department of Minerals and Energy. 1998. White Paper on the EnergyPolicy of the Republic of South Africa. Republic of South Africa.Available:http://www.energy.gov.za/files/policies/whitepaper_energypolicy_1998.pdf.

Geere, J.L., Hunter, P.R. & Jagals, P. 2010. Domestic water carrying and its implications for health : a review and mixed methods pilot study in Limpopo Province , South Africa. 1–13.

Hammell, K.W. 2011. Resisting theoretical imperialism in the disciplines of occupational science and occupational therapy. British Journal ofOccupational Therapy. 74(1):27–33. DOI: 10.4276/030802211X12947686093602.

Harling, G., Payne, C.F., Davies, J.I., Gomez-Olive, F.X., Kahn, K.,Manderson, L., Mateen, F.J., Tollman, S.M., et al. 2019. Impairment in Activities of Daily Living, Care Receipt, and Unmet Needs in a Middle-Aged andOlder Rural South African Population: Findings From the HAALSI Study. Journalof Aging and Health. 0(0):1–27.

Matsika, R., Erasmus, B.F.N. & Twine, W.C. 2013. A tale of two villages: Assessing the dynamics of fuelwood supply in communal landscapes inSouth Africa. Environmental Conservation. 40(1):71–83. DOI:10.1017/S0376892912000264.

McAdam, J.C., Franzsen, D. & Casteleijn, D. 2019. Identification of occupations in a South African rural less-resourced community. Journal ofOccupational Science. 26(3):1–15. DOI: Doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2019.1614476.

Naidoo, D., Van Wyk, J. & Joubert, R.W.E. 2016. Exploring the occupational therapist’s role in primary health care: Listening to voices of stakeholders. African journal of primary health care & family medicine.8(1):e1–e9. DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v8i1.1139.

Naidoo, D., Wyk, J. Van, Joubert, R., Africa, S. & Africa, S. 2017.Community stakeholders ’ perspectives on the role of occupational therapy in primary healthcare : Implications for practice. African Journal ofDisability. 6:1–12. DOI: 10.4102/ajod.v6i0.255.

Nyirenda, M., Chatterji, S., Falkingham, J., Mutevedzi, P., Hosegood, V.,Evandrou, M., Kowal, P. & Newell, M. 2012. An investigation of factors associated with the health and well-being of HIV-infected or HIV-affected older people in rural South Africa. BMC Public Health. 12:259.

Nyirenda, M., Evandrou, M., Mutevedzi, P., Hosegood, V., Falkingham, J.& Newell, M.L. 2015. Who cares? Implications of care-giving and-receiving by HIV-infected or-affected older people on functional disability and emotional wellbeing. Aging & Society. 35:169–202.

Payne, C.F., Xavier Gómez-Olivé, F., Kahn, K. & Berkman, L. 2017.Physical Function in an Aging Population in Rural South Africa: Findings From HAALSI and Cross-National Comparisons With HRS Sister Studies. Journal ofGerontology: Social Sciences. 72(4):665–679. DOI:doi:10.1093/geronb/gbx030.

Phaswana-Mafuya, N., Peltzer, K., Ramlagan, S., Chirinda, W. & Kose,Z. 2013. Social and health determinants of gender differences in disability amongst older adults in South Africa. Health SA Gesondheid. 18(1):1–9.DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/hsag.v18i1.728.

Report on the Right to Access Sufficient Water and Decent Sanitation in South Africa: 2014. 2014. Johannesburg. Available:https://www.sahrc.org.za/home/21/files/FINAL%25204th%25Proof%25204%2520March%2520-%2529Water%2520%2520Sanitation%2520low%2520res%2520(@).pdf.

Schatz, E., Ralston, M., Madhavan, S., Collinson, M.A. & XavierGómez-Olivé, F. 2018. Living Arrangements, Disability and Gender of Older Adults Among Rural South Africa. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.73(6):1112–1122. DOI: doi:10.1093/geronb/gbx081.

Shackleton, C.M., Gambiza, J. & Jones, R. 2007. Household fuelwood use in small electrified towns of the Makana District , Eastern Cape , SouthAfrica. 18(3):4–10.

Statistics South Africa. 2016. Community Survey 2016 Statistical Release P0301.

Statistics South Africa. 2018. Provincial profile Limpopo: Community survey 2016. Pretoria, South Africa. Available:http://cs2016.statssa.gov.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Limpopo.pdf [2007,August 20].

StatsSa. 2012. Census 2011 Census in brief. Pretoria. Available: http://www.statssa.gov.za/census/census_2011/census_products/Census_2011_Census_in_brief.pdf[2003, August 20].

Thom, C. 2000. Use of grid electricity by rural households in South Africa. Energy for Sustainable Development. 4(4):36–43.

United Nations. 2015. UN Sustainable Development Goals. Geneva.Available: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300 [2016, August 20].

United Nations. 2018a. United Nations Global Issues – Water.Geneva. Available: www.un.org/en/sections/issues-depth/water/ [2018, August20].

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World Health Organization. 2010. Measuring Health and Disability:Manual for WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (Whodas 2.0). Geneva: World Health Organization.

Wrisdale, L., Mokoena, M.M., Mudau, L.S. & Geere, J.-A. 2017. Factors that impact on access to water and sanitation for older adults and people with disability in rural South Africa: An occupational justice perspective. Journalof Occupational Science. 24(3):259–279. DOI: 10.1080/14427591.2017.1338190.

Xavier Gómez-Olivé, F., Thorogood, M., Clark, B., Kahn, K. & Tollman,S. 2013. Self-reported health and health care use in an ageing population in the Agincourt sub-district of rural South Africa. Global Health Action.6(1):181–192. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.19305.

Xavier Gómez-Olivé, F., Thorogood, M., Bocquier, P., Mee, P., Kahn, K.,Berkman, L. & Tollman, S. 2014. Social conditions and disability related to the mortality of older people in rural South Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology. 43(5):1531–1541. DOI: doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu093.

CSAC secretariat (26 Feb 2020): IRG review completed: proposal moved to FDRG layer.

CSAC secretariat (May 5, 2020): FDRG review completed: proposal moved to Open Discussion layer.

CSAC Secretariat (Jul 20, 2020): proposal moved to Closed Discussion Layer.

CSAC (Oct 30, 2020): proposal moved back to Open Discussion Layer for further work.

12-Feb-2020 20:25 CET by Coen H. van Gool
IRG review on proposal 433 about d6201
Review remarks by Initial Review Group Member (CvG) on Proposal 433 about d6201

Initial Review Period February 2020

1. Has the author correctly entered the “Primary Code Affected” in that field on the Platform? Yes

2. Are there any “Secondary Codes Affected”? Yes

3. Has the author correctly entered the “Secondary Codes Affected” in that field on the Platform? Yes

4. Does the proposal affect the Descriptive Note in a given ICF code text? Yes

5. Does the proposal affect Inclusions in a given ICF code text? No

6. Does the proposal affect Exclusions in a given ICF code text? Yes

7. Is the proposal age specific? No

8. Does the proposal have plausibility as a classification entity in the ICF? Yes

9. Does the proposal add any additional value as a new classification entity? Yes

10. Would the proposal, if adopted, affect the described ICF situations in all cultures? Yes

11. Does the proposal address a genuine underlying need or deficiency within the ICF? Yes

12. Has the author incorporated sufficient rationale to justify adopting their proposal, as written, into a harmonized ICF? Yes

13. Is the author’s rationale for the proposal evidence-based? Yes

14. Is the proposal consistent with the existing structure and content of the ICF? Yes

15. Is the proposal consistent with conceptual and taxonomic principles in the ICF? Yes

16. If adopted, would this proposal be consistent with the goal of ensuring standardization and comparability of data reporting? Yes

Additional remark:
This proposal concerns - in principal - the addition of gathering (drinking) water and fuelwood as seperate categories and addition of these as exemplars in code descriptions of several other categories, reflecting ADL reality in less resourced areas.

Initial Reviewer’s recommendation:
This proposal can go to the FDRG layer for further discussion.
05-May-2020 18:04 CET by Paula Tonel
Comments from FDRG TC, April 2020
Comments from FDRG TC, April 2020. Liane Simon (Germany), Jaana Paltamaa (Finland), Haejung Lee (South Korea), Olaf Kraus de Camargo (Canada):

This proposal would require further detailed subcodes for all the different examples in the current code. We felt that such a granularity is not necessary as the more general statement will be more inclusive of all the different objects or necessities that people might have to gather.

Recommendation: keep original ICF code
26-Jun-2020 17:21 CET by Christine Haas
After consultation with our German experts we give the following feedback:

- We see the need and support in principle to include examples and term definitions which reflect the experience of different cultural realities.
- The term definition of d430 should be amended to “when lifting and carrying a container of water”, “from community sources” should be dropped.
- We don’t see the need to extend all subordinated codes by the same examples already given in the term with the higher hierarchy.
- We don’t see the need to add specific codes d6202 and d6203, as they are examples for d6201 (and therefore should be seen as subordinated). We propose therefore to keep d6201 as it is.
30-Jun-2020 13:08 CET by Ann-Helene Almborg
comment on proposal 433
Comments from Nordic ICF-Network (Jaana P, Solvejg B, Thomas M, Ann-Helene A) 2020-06-24. We suggest to reject this proposal and to keep original ICF code
31-Jul-2020 14:13 CET by Paula Tonel
Comment submitted on behalf of the author of the proposal
Thank you for the comments on the proposal regarding water and fuelwood collection.

My response to the comments is as follows:

• The need for separate codes for water and fuelwood collection is not about cultural differences, but is a reflection of social injustice for millions of people globally. A number of the SDGs are directly about or are impacted by the extent to which individuals and communities have access to water and energy. In the spirit of ‘leave no-one behind’, it is my view that separate ICF codes for water collection and fuelwood collection will contribute to measuring the extent of the access challenges, as well as progress in closing these gaps.
• In many rural less-resourced contexts, musculoskeletal pain has been found to be a significant health factor. It is my view, based on my doctoral study which is detailed in the ICF update proposal above, that limited access to water and energy within households contributes to the high levels of musculoskeletal pain. Having to traverse large distances and carry or push heavy loads of water and fuelwood each day for survival is very physically demanding. It is my view that instruments measuring level of functioning, such as the WHODAS-II, or other instruments based on the ICF codes, will be more sensitive to less-resourced contexts with the addition of separate codes for water and fuelwood collection. The ICF may arguably also be more reflective of the daily realities for many individuals and communities in the Global South with the addition of these codes.
• Against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic, the limited access to water within households takes on a potentially deadly consequence. In South Africa, where I am based, carrying out the most basic defence against the virus, namely regular handwashing, has been extremely difficult for many individuals and communities. Having to leave one’s house daily, or multiple times per day, to collect water from a community source, goes against the principle of ‘staying home’ and social distancing. This is compounded by the increased need to collect fuelwood during the current cold winter months. It is therefore my view that adding separate ICF codes for water collection and fuelwood collection would be advantageous for data collection regarding community and country responses to the pandemic.

I thank you for consideration of my proposal.
23-Aug-2020 12:56 CET by Catherine Sykes
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 1 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
In principle agree with including examples of a range of practices. Some of the wording needs attention. Eg obtaining and procuring are synonyms. Including the phrase 'from community sources' excludes obtaining water or fuelwood from other sources. loaded with containers of water or bundles of fuelwood. Pushing - should delete 'loaded with containers of water or bundles of fuelwood' as it excludes pushing a wheelbarrow with garden compost for example. Keeping items more generic keeps them inclusive adding examples has the effect of excluding.
23-Aug-2020 15:49 CET by Janice Miller
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 1 of year 2020. Voted:Yes
agree with the overall intent of this proposal including proposed new codes, if some of the modifications made eg. use obtaining or procuring, not both, and modifying examples that will not exclude as noted by CSykes
23-Aug-2020 20:08 CET by Ann-Helene Almborg
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 1 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
The earlier comments from Nordic CC was to reject this proposal and to keep the original ICF codes according the comments from the FDRG meeting.

The definition for d6201 has not been changed, it is only the examples of water and fuel, which have been deleted. The definiton of d6201 needs to be rewritten to be clear and unambiguous to d6202 and d6203. I think it is not enough to only delete water and fuel in the example in the definition of d6201.
09-Sep-2020 09:40 CET by Coen H. van Gool
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
Adding examples would benefit the understanding of the class, but exact wording should be looked at further
09-Sep-2020 22:15 CET by Janice Miller
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Yes
as per my note in round l
15-Sep-2020 11:01 CET by Keisuke TAKAHASHI
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:No
The description is too detailed.
15-Sep-2020 17:01 CET by Marie Cuenot
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
The proposal about the addition of two new codes is interesting.
More discussion is needed, and also to check how the access to water and access to fuelwood might be coded together with the environmental factors?
16-Sep-2020 14:27 CET by Ulrike Trinks
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
See comments above.
17-Sep-2020 18:05 CET by Ann-Helene Almborg
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
See my earlier comment in vote 1
18-Sep-2020 12:07 CET by Catherine Sykes
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Yes
With modifications to address issues noted regarding language.
The codes are made more inclusive of low resource situatinos by the examples.
Need to look at the numbering of the proposed new codes. I think they should be sub categories of d6201 ie d62010 and d62011. Also needed would be d62018 for Other specified gathering daily necessities and d62019 for unspecified gathering daily necessities.
25-Sep-2020 17:38 CET by Solvejg Merete Bang
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:Can't Decide
I agree with Ann-Helene
28-Sep-2020 00:09 CET by Korean Collaborating Center
Comment attached to the vote of the user for Round 2 of year 2020. Voted:No
agree with Keisuke, it might cause confusion. need more discussion.
26-Mar-2021 21:46 CET by Jennifer Mc Adam
Comment submitted by the author of the proposal
Thank you once again for all of the comments and the debate regarding this proposal, it is highly appreciated!

My previous comments submitted on 31 July 2020 remain relevant in response to the additional comments received since then. I would like to add the following responses to comments received:

Sub-category of d6201 versus distinct categories:
The addition of the sub-category codes d62010 and d62011 would be a considerable positive step. However, I still advocate for the proposed codes d6202 and d6203, as this would place emphasise the impact on ADLs of the difference between the household amenities typical of resourced versus less-resourced contexts.

Wording needs attention:
The wording could still be improved.

I do not think that 'procuring' and óbtaining' are synonymous, with the former usually implying payment for goods or services. In many less-resourced context, water and fuelwood are gathered or obtained from the natural resources in the environment, such as from a river or spring, and are not bought. The physical and time demands of gathering resources in this way is not reflected in the words óbtain' or 'procure'.

I acknowledge that the descriptions of the proposed codes are wordy, phrases such as 'loaded with containers of water or fuelwood' and 'from community sources' should not be deleted, as they provide clear context. It is essential to differentiate between a task more typical of a well-resourced context, such as 'pushing a wheelbarrow of garden compost', versus the reality of enormous daily physical effort and time needed to gather resources essential for life in less-resourced contexts.

Access to water and fuelwood linked to environmental factors:
This is supported. Consideration could be given to providing distinct codes for methods of supply / provision of household amenities in well-resourced versus less-resourced contexts.

Thank you for your consideration