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Commenting on the ICD-11 entities are disabled as we beleive our proposal system contains a better mechansim to collect and process suggesstions on the classification.
Comments that have been placed before will continue to be visible for a while.

Commenting is still available in other parts of the platform such as for writing comments to the proposals or translations


Commenting can be done by clicking on the comment icon

The system will then display you a box where you could write your comment and send it

Reading comments and replying them

If there are existing comments on an entity, the comment icon at the top will be different Clicking on this icon will display the existing comments. In addition to reading the existing comments and writing a comment yourself you may do the following:

REPLY : Reply to existing comments. Please note that you cannot reply to replies
AGREE : You may state that you've liked this comment
DISAGREE : You may state that you've disliked this comment

The number between the up and down arrows shows the sum of likes minus sum of dislikes.

SPAM : You may report that this particular comment is SPAM (i.e. not related to ICD, may be an advertisement, etc.)

The example below shows how to write a comment on the title of a category

Again if there are existing comments you may see them by clicking on the icon. From here you may reply to the existing comments or add your comments, etc.